Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My Most Valuable Thing"

my MOST VALUABLE THINGS FAMILY,STUDIES and FRIENDS!!!why?is because first "my family"...they are the one who help me in all i need...Parents,they help me financialy and they are the one who's supportig me in my studies and in everything i do,they are always their giving me strenght and moral support...second,"my studies" obviously "education" (are studies) are really important to us,because it could help us in the future,to find stable job and for us to have a better life!and laslty.."my friends" all of us knows "friends" can help us in many ways... family problems,studies..and personal things that only friend/s
can understand...those are my most valuable things that i should keep..and be thankful with!!!=p

1 comment: said...

jejejejeje..... cute blog huh???