Thursday, July 26, 2007

"My Most Valuable Thing"

my MOST VALUABLE THINGS FAMILY,STUDIES and FRIENDS!!!why?is because first "my family"...they are the one who help me in all i need...Parents,they help me financialy and they are the one who's supportig me in my studies and in everything i do,they are always their giving me strenght and moral support...second,"my studies" obviously "education" (are studies) are really important to us,because it could help us in the future,to find stable job and for us to have a better life!and laslty.."my friends" all of us knows "friends" can help us in many ways... family problems,studies..and personal things that only friend/s
can understand...those are my most valuable things that i should keep..and be thankful with!!!=p

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

MIDTERM is coming....PRELIM!!!??bye...bye

WHat a prelim...its not really that hard but it took us days to study...on the other side its really studying w/ your C-m8..etc..!!!any way, when i first entered UIC i thought its difficult or hard for me to find or gain friends..but im wrong,all the pipz here are unique,friendly even approachable...the atmosphere here in the campus made me felt "At hOmE" i felt comfortable at all in the first day of class!!!thats y im more desperate now and inspired to finish my studies here....i hope in the coming "MIDTERM" it will be more fun,althought we have to study more....=p

My Happy Ending

hey mga dudez...wazzup!!!..why "My Happy Ending"?well,we all know,all of us wants are life to be a Happy Ending one...thats why im here for you/us to remind that we have a life to pursue or to continue, were not just here (were we are right now) to make fun or to enjoy life(actually we all have the right to enjoy but not all the time!)We have a responsibility to finish.."our studies" its for our own good,we all know that!!!i kinda notice 'kc' most of us or most of the teenagers just taking for granted the good things are/their parents had done to us/them..,some are lucky to have wealth some of us dont!thats y we have to try our very best to finish our studies, so that we us children,sons or daughters of our parents would be proud of us..because in that way,we can thank our parents for their supportive way of helping us and for their "LOVE FOR US" its also an advantage for us if we can finish because thats the first step to have a "Happy Ending Life..."
did you get what i exactly mean and what i want for us to learn from here?!!maybe not...but anyway, i hope all of you guyz reading this appreciate my effort...and thank you for reading....=)

may we all have a "HAPPY ENDING".....chAu!!!!